Ice Age

Uzunluk:176 cm

Genişlik:86 cm

Yükseklik:196 cm (231 üst parçası ile)

Ağırlık:227 kg

One of the world’s highest grossing animated movie licenses of all time is now a stunning two player skill redemption game. We are proud to unveil one of the most eye-catching and alluring redemption attractions to ever hit the market.

Ice Age boasts a 42” horizontally mounted LCD panel for game play and two 23” vertically mounted LCD panels, in the marquee, that display the upcoming movie trailer while at the same time showing players how to win. Never before has a redemption game had such a captivating marquee that attracts players from all over the game room.

The game features two sets of interactive acorn “pads” where the player tries to win the big ticket bonus by timing his hit of the acorns to crack the ICE all the way through to the center BONUS ring. Crack the ice into the center ring and you win the operator adjustable super bonus.

Ice Age has tested incredibly well and is on track to become one of the best selling video redemption games of all time following in the footsteps of the popular movies. The Ice Age brand has brought in over $1,900,000,000 billion dollars in revenue over the first three movies. 70% of the global revenues of this series have come from overseas sales. Ice Age is the MUST HAVE redemption game for 2012!!

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